“Prayer to the Stars” 10x8 (GT/FW 36-23)
“Wisham Fisherman” 10x8 (GT/FW 2-23)
“Homeward Bound” (RM/FW 29-23)
“Out of Darkness” 11x14 (GTFW 1-25)
“Three Chiefs” 8x10 (GTFW 88-24)
“Piki Maker” 10x8 (RM/ZL 1-20)
“Zuni Governor” 14x11 (GT/FW 201-23)
“Vanishing Race” 11x14 (RM/FW 9-23)
“Canyon de Chelly” 8x10 (GTFW 90-24)
“Vanishing Race” 11x14 (GTFW 86-24)
“Signal Fire to the Mountain Gods” 10x8 (GT/ZL 39-21)
“Piki Maker” 14x11 (GTFW 67-24)
“Old Well of Acoma’ 8x10 (GTFW 29-23)
“Before the Storm” 8x10 (RMFW 22-24)